Make Appointment For

Campus Tour

Special Campus Tour

Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, students and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what is best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the tour take?

Depends on the number of schools within the University to visit. We have two campuses, Western Campus which is located at Custom and the main campus where the university administration is located

Is there any parking nearby?

Yes, there is ample parking within the University premise

Can I leave my bags or luggage at meeting point?

We advise Visitors to always looks after their belonging or lock them inside their vehicles

Will the tour be cancelled due to weather?

Yes, if it rains

Undergraduate Visitors

This tour is intended for prospective graduate and professional students. All are welcome, but students interested in undergraduate programs may wish to visit UoJ Undergraduate Admissions page for a more appropriate visit experience.

Complete Your Visit

To learn more about the specific admissions process for your program, we recommend that you arrange to visit a specific graduate or professional school. We suggest that you connect with your specific school or department of interest ahead of time.

Foreign Visitors

Please visit the administration building, Executive director at the office of Vice Chancellor will help u get to see whatever information or enquiry u might want to know.

University of Juba, Admission Office

Next to Clock Tower

Phone : +211 9
Email :

Make an appointment

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