Deanship of Students


The Deanship was established with the opening of the University in 1977. It is headed by the Dean of Students assisted by a Deputy Dean, and heads of five departments.



On admission to the University every students shall be required to sign an undertaking to abide by this code and other regulation of the University.

  • Every student shall be required to pay the fees for registration, Identity card and study fees as decided by the University.
  • A student shall register at the beginning of each academic semester at his college and at the Deanship of Students.
  • After registration Deanship Students shall issue a student with an identity card which shall entitle him / her to attend the lectures and use Library facilities (there is a special card) and take part in any of the University activities and be member of the University Community.
  • In cases of losing his / her identity card a student shall pay the cost of acquiring another one after he produces a certificate of lose property from the legal authorities?
  • A student shall all time carry his / her identity card and shall produce or surrender it when ever asked.
  • A student shall cooperate with the University official and shall disclose his / her name or the name of the college or his /her identity card when asked.
  • Every student is required at the time of registration to have:
  1. A certificate of payment of his / her fees.
  2. A certificate of handing over library books, Sports equipment and any other university property with him (new students are exempted).
  • A medical certificate when required.
  • A student shall register not later than two weeks from the beginning of the semester; exceptions are decided by the Faculty or Deanship of Students.


  1. A student shall conduct himself decently at all time.
  2. A Student shall not behave in away to endanger his own safety or well being nor the safety or health of others.
  3. A student shall not behave in any way which shall render him / her liable under the general law of the land or which is likely to discredit or to bring him / her in to disrepute as a member of a learned institution.
  4. A student shall act with the utmost respect for all religions and shall not use any insulting or offensive words or acts in reference to them. A student shall show respect at the times of prayer in Church, Mosques or other worshipping sites and shall behave decently in the premises surrounding the University.
  5. A student shall conduct him / herself with due regard and respect for his / her teachers and shall maintain a relationship with fellow students based on mutual respect and tolerance.
  6. A student whenever attending a University function shall observe a decent and acceptable behavior and must abide by any dress made obligatory by the University according to the statute of Higher Education on public appearance.

University of Juba

Department Contact In
1810 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246

+211-922 660 805

Mon – Sat 8:30A.M. – 5:30P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources


Most of the Deanship programmes are implemented by various departments. Each of these departments has specific functions to perform as follows:


Administration and Finance (college registrar).

  1. Gives proposals for the annual and development budget to the Deanship.
  2. Supervises the financial spending of the Deanship according to the laid down policy.
  3. Coordinates the personnel work of the Deanship with the Personnel Secretary.
  4. Disciplines the students according to the Students code of Behavior.


  1. Student’s supervision in Colleges includes; Discipline of students according to the students code of Behavior; students social and cultural activities; students buffet / cafeteria; and students’ general welfare in the campuses.
  2. To supervise security guards and collaborate with them.
  3. To coordinate students accommodation with National Fund.
  4. Student’s registration and interview.
  5. To report regularly to the Dean of Students about wall papers etc.
  6. Prepare and produce all publications of the Deanship of students.
  7. Supervise formation and function of Students Union.



Statistics Unit

  1. To keep students records and give information about any students when required.
  2. Keep students files.
  3. Keep students Statistics according to the following classification; college’s gender class’s academic specialization graduates discontinued student’s resignation suspension.
  4. Process students’ identity cards.


  1. To study students cases and give advice in all problems such as resignation suspension of the academic year academic performance social problem and exemption from examination.
  2. To recommend appropriate decisions to the Dean of Students on student cases.
  3. Conduct research on students’ Behavior and social conduct.




  1. To train students in various fields of Sports activities e.g. Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Athletics, Table tennis, Swimming and other Indoor games.
  2. Maintenance or playing grounds.
  3. Organization of Sports programmes and competition.


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