On January 9th, 2025, the Chinese Embassy handed over the newly constructed E-Classroom to the University of Juba. The handing over ceremony featured prominent figures including Prof. Robert Mayom Deng, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Juba; His Excellency Ma Qiang, the Ambassador of China to South Sudan; Prof. Isaac Cleto Rial, the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Prof. Mairi John Blackings, the Registrar for Academic Affairs; Dr. Bojoi Moses Tomor, the Registrar for Administration and Finance; other members of Senior Management Committee, Chinese Embassy representatives, students, and other guests.

During the ceremony, Prof. Robert Mayom Deng seized the moment to extend his heartfelt New Year wishes to all present. He expressed a warm welcome to H.E Ambassador Ma Qiang for his first visit to the University of Juba and took the opportunity to recount the generous contributions made by the Chinese Embassy to the University. He highlighted the earlier donation of $18,000 in December 2024, aimed at assisting students unable to afford their school fees. Furthermore, he acknowledged the Embassy’s support for the construction of the E-Classroom, which is dedicated to Chinese Cultural Activities and constitutes a comfortable learning environment. Prof. Robert Mayom Deng expressed profound gratitude to the Chinese Embassy for their ongoing support to the University of Juba and the greater South Sudanese community, marking a significant step in the partnership between China and South Sudan in fostering education and cultural exchange.

His Excellency Ma Qiang, the Chinese Ambassador to South Sudan, highlighted the importance of the longstanding relationship between China and South Sudan, which has developed over the past 30 years, particularly through education. The newly inaugurated E-Classroom symbolizes the shared ethical principles of the Embassy and the University of Juba. Ambassador Ma Qiang presented two key expectations for students: first, to become influential contributors to South Sudan’s development by recognizing the importance of peace and progress.  Secondly, to serve as a bridge in enhancing China-South Sudan relations. He emphasized that the new Center for Chinese Language Studies at the University is vital for strengthening these ties. He expressed eagerness for students’ involvement in fostering collaboration and mutual growth between the two nations.

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Entrepreneur | Software Developer | Data Engineer & Analyst

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