Institute of Water Studies


To provide quality education, research and innovation in the areas of water resources management, law, and policy as part of promoting sustainable development in South Sudan that is consistent with UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, and Africa Vision 2063 on climate change and water security.


To become a national and regional center of excellence in water studies, water professionals training and skills development, recognized as a host to UNESCO-Chair in water security by 2030.


The Rationale for the Establishment of IWS

  • The Institute shall be dedicated to providing quality education and research on various issues of water resources, especially in the areas of governance, development, utilization and protection at the national and international levels.
  • The IWS will act/serve, as an interdisciplinary academic and research think tank that will advise the legislative and executive branches of the Government of South Sudan about the natural resources related to water security.
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